
Whether you are looking for information or have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us. They will be happy to answer all your questions quickly.

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Order and Payment

How can I pay for my purchases online?

It is possible to pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express).
The billing address of your order must match the address associated with your credit card in order to ensure the transaction is authorized.


Where is delivery available?

Delivery is available everywhere in Canada and United Sates.

Return and Guarantee

Which products are eligible for return?

Smartliners pads can be conditionally returned for up to 60 days from purchase date if there is a defect in our product.

Acceptance policy for discount coupons and promo codes

What are the current discount coupon codes?

Smartliners accepts coupons with promo codes, which are listed on our websites and on our official social media pages only.